While the news of Queen Margrethe of Denmark’s abdication shocked the world, there was one family outside Denmark aware of the situation.
The Swedish Royal Family was advised ahead of Queen Margrethe’s speech that the Queen would be abdicating in January 2024.
Margareta Thorgren, the Information Manager at the Swedish Royal Court, wrote to Aftonbladet, “The entire Royal Family has received the information that HM Queen Margrethe will abdicate. HM Queen Margrethe has personally spoken to and informed HM the King about his abdication decision.”
The Swedish and Danish royals are close relatives as Queen Margrethe and Sweden’s King Carl Gustaf are first cousins, so Margrethe alerting her family in Sweden is not a surprise.
Upon Margerthe’s abdication on 14 January, King Carl Gustaf will be Europe’s longest-reigning monarch. He celebrated his Golden Jubilee on 15 September 2023.
It is not known if other monarchs were informed of the Danish Queen’s decision ahead of her New Year’s Eve speech.
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