Catharina-Amalia was born on 7 December 2003 at 5.01 PM in the Bronovo Hospital in The Hague. She was baptised on 12 June 2004 with Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Baroness Rengers-Deane, Prince Constantijn, Martin Zorreguieta, Herman Tjeenk Willink and Marc ter Haar as godparents.
Her full name is Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria. Catharina-Amalia and her sisters attend major functions, such as King’s Day and the press moments. Since becoming an adult, she has taken up more royal duties.
Catharina-Amalia’s first major function, as well as her sisters’, was their grandmother’s abdication and their father’s accession. Catharina-Amalia was just ten years old at the time. She has been attending school like a regular child since 2007.
She assumed her seat in the Council of State when she turned 18 in 2021 and has been attending the opening of parliament (Prinsjesdag) since 2022. She started studying at the University of Amsterdam in 2022, but her move to Amsterdam was interrupted by serious threats to her person.
It was later revealed that the Princess had spent a year living and studying in Madrid due to the threats. She has since returned to the Netherlands and even offered the city of Madrid a tulip garden in thanks for their hospitality.
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