Crown Prince Christian’s shield has been hung in the Knight’s Chapel of the Castle Church.
Christian has been a Knight of the Order of the Elephant since his 18th birthday on 15 October 2023. As is tradition with the Knights of the Order of the Elephant, Christian’s shield is now hung up alongside other members.
Christian was joined by his grandmother, Queen Margrethe, and his father, King Frederik, for a tour of the National History Museum at Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød. They were also at the official hanging of his shield, with which Christian assisted.
The Crown Prince’s shield depicts Christian’s Coat of Arms and title at the time he was given the honour. Even if the person’s title changes, their shield will always show the title they held at the time they became a member of the Order. At that time, Christian was second in line to the throne behind his father, then-Crown Prince Frederik.
The Coat of Arms on display was created for the reign of Queen Margrethe after she acceded to the throne in 1972.
His shield also includes the Prince’s Crown on top of the Coat of Arms with the Latin title “PRINCEPS DANIAE” (or Danish Prince) and his induction date on the oval outside the Coat of Arms.
Coat of arms painter Ronny Skov Andersen is the artist behind the historic shield.
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