King Philippe of the Belgians addressed his people on Christmas Eve.
The King of the Belgians pre-recorded three versions of the speech – one in each of the official languages of Belgium (Dutch, French and German).
His Majesty focused on the next generation in his speech, remarking on a letter he received from children asking questions about the destruction in the world and also asking the King specific questions based on his role as a monarch and a father.
The King said the questions posed by the children deeply moved him and that he understood their despair.
“Your appeal reminds us of our responsibility. Your empathy must awaken our sometimes dormant conscience. We cannot stand idly by in the face of the numerous violations of international law. These young people are asking us to give them reasons to hope,” he said.
King Philippe then added: “There are reasons to hope. Always. Hope does not mean waiting passively for a better future, but working to build a fairer and more respectful world, where every child is welcomed as the most precious promise.
“A world without wars and without suffering is of course a dream. But, that must not prevent us from continuing to work towards it.”
He also said that adults should help children look confidentially at the future and told the Belgian people: “May this Christmas and New Year period be a source of inspiration, renewal and hope for each of us.”
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