Queen Mathilde of Belgium is on a working visit to Bangladesh.
She arrived yesterday for a three-day visit. She started in the capital Dhaka with a visit to a factory. In the afternoon, she went to a school in a slum.
Today, the second day of the visit, will be devoted to a visit to the largest refugee camp in the world. Tomorrow will be dominated by climate change, to which a country like Bangladesh is very vulnerable.
❗ Sinds 2017 bereikten meer dan een miljoen Rohingya-vluchtelingen uit Myanmar 🇲🇲 Bangladesh 🇧🇩. Bijna de helft is jonger dan 18 jaar.
Ze leven er in moeilijke omstandigheden en zijn enorm kwetsbaar. pic.twitter.com/qsASnWKhMF— Belgian Royal Palace (@MonarchieBe) February 7, 2023
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