Princess Leonor attends important royal event for first time

© Casa de SM el Rey

The Princess of Asturias has attended an important Spanish royal event for the first time.

Princess Leonor joined her father, King Felipe, and mother, Queen Letizia, at the Military Easter at the Royal Palace in Madrid on 6 January.

The royals were greeted by Spain’s President Pedro Sanchez before entering the Plaza de la Armería to meet other government and military officials.

Ceremonial honours took place before the King reviewed the troops. The celebration then moved to the Embajadores Hall where the King, Queen and Princess met staff from National Heritage and the Military Fourth.

In the Throne Room, King Felipe, Queen Letizia and Princess Leonor greeted members of the Royal House and then moved to the Gasparini Saleta to meet various military officials like the Central Defence Body and Defence Staff, Royal Brotherhood of Veterans of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, among others.

King Felipe also honoured 20 commissioners with decorations and addressed those assembled about his pride in hosting the celebration for ten years and having Leonor join him on the tenth anniversary.

He said: “This celebration is not just another one for the Crown. It is the 10th Military Easter that I have the honour of presiding over and it happily coincides with the fact that, that for the first time, the Princess of Asturias accompanies us; who, as a Lady Cadet of the General Military Academy, has started her military training plan this year. So – along with the Queen and the Princess –, as Supreme Commander, I am happy I would like to convey my congratulations and annual recognition to the members of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, to the members of the National Intelligence Center and to the group of men and women, civil and military, who, in the Ministry or in any field, serve the Defence and National Security.”

The event marks the beginning of the military year and is held annually on 6 January. It dates back to the reign of King Charles III of Spain in 1782 when he wanted to honour the members of the military on Epiphany.

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About the Author

Brittani Barger
Brittani is from the United States and has been researching, writing and reporting on the royals for over a decade. Successfully gaining exclusives and interviews with royals across the globe, Brittani left her role as an editor for another news site to help bring you Royal News. She's been seen on BBC World, WION News and other news programs to discuss the royal families.

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